Martha A. Poteet to
her husband,
Francis M. Poteet

Mcdowell Co
August 19th 1864

Dear husband,

I seat my self this evening to write you afew lines to let you know that we are all well at this time ever hoping this will Reach your kind hands and find you in good health. I thought you would have sent me a letter by Louis Walker but you did not and I dident get none by Mail and I could not help but cry. I hope Higgins will bring me one. Francis I hav some of the best news for you. there was a protracted meeting at Trinity last week, the greatest Meeting I ever was at. and Mary and Thomas profesed Religeon there on the 10 and will Join at our next Meeting and be babtised if nothing happens. there was about 25 profesed. Thomas and James Cowen, David James was three of the happyest children I ever saw I haint went to preaching. Much sens last fall sens it was sed to me that preaching don me a heep a good. there is all ways a weight on me when I think about going but God made me to rejois last week. in his love God has answerd our prayers for our dear children. I expect they will hav a protracted meeting at the Baptis meeting house. the men says there is a great prospect of peas now and I hope peas will be Made so you can come home. I had a mess of simblins[?] for supper. dont you wish you had some? they say that they went on with a row of deserters tied two together as long as from here to John Cowens. I got a letter from your brother Henry. he sed he wanted to see you and sed for me to send you howdy for him. he is in 4 miles of you. the Measels is raging in this neighbourhood. [p.1] the baby has taken a start to grow. it is very pretty and smart. the children all dose very well. I will send you somthing to eat by Jery Walker. I haint got no eggs. if I had I would send you some. the two last letters you wrote you commenced several things and dident finish them and I dont no what you ment. I want you to see Hamp Cowen and rent this place for me and let me know soon. and by the rent for me if you can. Hamp told me to write to him but you can do better than I can. I heard that you had camp Measels. I think the crows & squirells will eat up my corn. I looked hard for a letter by Higgins but I dident get it. the last letter I hav had was dated 25 July. I know you are mad or you would have sent one by Louis or Higgins. and I aint going to write no moor till I do get an answer. I did not think of Making you mad. George Pinkney has had a seveare atact of Croup this week but is some better now. I wish I had a drink of your good coffee. if any one comes send me a little if you pleas and I will kiss you when I see you. oh Lord hav mercy on My Dear husband. spare his life to get home. bless him with health. shield him from all harm and danger. I pray for you evry day and Night to be spard to get home and I believe you will live to come right before long. I know that you see hard times but put your trust in God he is able to save you and he will, I believe.

Martha Poteet to Francis Poteet, farwell. [p.2]

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